Subscription Agreements Ready for Billing

Use Subscription Agreements Ready for Billing under Finance & Administration to view and subscription agreements that are ready for billing.

To use the Subscription Agreements Ready for Billing submodule, you must have access to Finance & Administration as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

The Subscription Agreements Ready for Billing submodule provides you with a list of all subscription agreements that are ready for billing within your WorkBook company.

You can create an invoice for a subscription agreement directly from the submodule. This action creates a job with the invoice automatically created within the job. The job will be closed instantly and the invoice will also be finalized instantly.

In addition to the previous action, you can also perform the following actions directly from the screen:
  • Open the invoice dialog
  • Create an invoice and email
  • View the Subscription Agreement

To view and manage only the records that require your action, go to Tasks > Follow-Up > Subscription Agreements Ready for Billing.

As with most WorkBook submodules, you can always use the Search field to find specific subscription agreement records.

You set up subscriptions in Settings > Subscription > Subscription Billing. For more information, see Subscription Billing.

You manage subscriptions in Finance & Administration > Debtors > Subscription. For more information, see Subscriptions.