Support Views Tab

Use the Support Views Tab within the Tasks submodule to view a job schedule's booking status, task calendar, scrum board, and task timeline calendar.

  • Booking Status: This menu displays booking information which can be viewed in a task view or a resource view. The grid shows booking capacity information such as total booked hours per resource as well as the task progress and booking status.
  • Task Calendar: This menu displays all the resources that are booked on tasks within a job and lets you move tasks from one resource to another. It also displays resources' capacity and booked time off, if any.
  • Scrum Board: This menu lets you add tasks into a sprint. You create sprints in Settings > Projects & Jobs > Scrum Sprints.
    Note: To use the Scrum Board functionality, you must first set up task progress statuses in Settings > Projects & Jobs > Task Progress Status, and then enable system variable 1123.
  • Task Timeline Calendar: This menu provides several view options such as day, working week, week, and month views and lets you move tasks from one resource to another.