System Variable 1040: Employee Deactivating Text

Use this System Variable to determine the notification text that WorkBook sends when a user tries to contact a deactivated employee.

In WorkBook, a disabled or deactivated employee is signified by their name being placed in parenthesis. On the other hand, when an employee becomes anonymized, the employee name is removed from the system and is replaced with "Resource has been anonymized xxx". The employee's data, except their start and end date, is also deleted.
Note: xxx refers to the number that WorkBook adds to the replacement string in order to differentiate anonymized employees.

In the field of this setting, you can identify the text composition that WorkBook will use for employees that are deactivated. This text is sent to the Inbox of the user who is trying to tag or contact the deactivated employee.

The default value for this System Variable is <Employee> is deactivated Please close all access points.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.