System Variable 1080: Allow Manually Editing Profit Margin/Price Factor & Job Sale Amount on Creditor Invoice Lines

Use this System Variable to determine if the manual editing of the profit margin or job sale amount should be allowed on Creditor Invoices.

If a Creditor Invoice is job-related, it will have a sale value in addition to its cost price. The sale value is based on the profit margin within the price list of the associated job. When this System Variable is enabled, you can manually edit the profit margin and the job sale price directly on the Voucher Line Details subgrid in Finance & Administration > Creditors > Creditor Invoices.

When the profit margin is edited, the job sale amount is also automatically updated. If you update the job sale amount, the profit margin is calculated from it. Updating these two fields follow the formula:
Cost x Profit Margin = Job Sale Amount
For example:
100 (Cost) x 1.25 (Profit Margin) = 125 (Job Sales Amount) with a Net Revenue of 25%

The Creditor Invoice job sale amount is used in job profitability reporting, invoicing, and net revenue calculations. The sale amount can also affect the job's WIP Revenue/Balance, depending on the job's posting configuration.

This System Variable is enabled by default.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.