System Variable 1096: Block Edit of Payment Setting on Vouchers

Use this System Variable to determine if the editing of payment settings should be allowed on Creditor Invoices.

This System Variable is enabled by default. When it is enabled, the following fields on Creditor Invoices are locked for editing:
  • Payment Type (Definition): This field can only be changed or edited if the invoice is in Status 10 - Under Preparation.
  • Payment Method: This field can be changed or edited if the invoice is in Status 10 - Under Preparation or Status 20 - For Approval.
  • Payment Identification No.: This field can be changed or edited if the invoice is in Status 10 - Under Preparation or Status 20 - For Approval.
  • Payment No.: This field can be changed or edited if the invoice is in Status 10 - Under Preparation or Status 20 - For Approval.
  • Bank Reg No.: This field requires System Variable 742 to be enabled. It can be changed or edited if the invoice is in Status 10 - Under Preparation or Status 20 - For Approval.
  • Bank Account No.: This field requires System Variable 742 to be enabled. It can be changed or edited if the invoice is in Status 10 - Under Preparation or Status 20 - For Approval.
  • SWIFT: This field can be changed or edited if the invoice is in Status 10 - Under Preparation or Status 20 - For Approval.
  • IBAN: This field can be changed or edited if the invoice is in Status 10 - Under Preparation or Status 20 - For Approval.

These payment settings can be edited directly in the Creditor Invoices grid or if System Variable 449 is enabled, in the Create Invoice dialog box. If System Variable 742 is enabled, you can still edit the payment details of a posted Creditor Invoice in the Payment Information sub-grid of the Transactions tab in Finance & Administration > Creditors > Creditor List.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.