System Variable 1134: Access Roles: Control Which Users Are Able to Set/Assign User Access Roles

Use this System Variable to determine which users should be able to set or assign access roles to user accounts. This is useful when creating new employee accounts or updating existing accounts.

You can select any of the following options for this setting:
  • 0 - System administrators only
  • 1 - System administrators and all advanced users
  • 2 - System administrators and advanced users with access to settings
The default value for this System Variable is 0 - System administrators only.
Note: Advanced users are unable to create system administrators or edit the access role of existing system administrators.

You can set up a new user access role, for example "Advanced users with settings access", on the User Access Setup tab in Settings > Advanced Tools > User Access Rights.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.