System Variable 13: Allow to Create/Set Job as Non-billable, When Client Type Is Client

Use this System Variable to determine if client jobs should be set as non-billable.

This System Variable is enabled by default. When it is enabled, you can use it for general account management time that cannot be billed but should be recorded against the client for profitability purposes. If it is not enabled, when you try to select the Billable checkbox in Jobs > Job Properties Sidebar > Basic Job Settings, a pop-up message saying that this is not allowed by System Variable 13 displays.

Note: You cannot change the billable setting of any job after costs have been registered on it.

A client job is determined by the client type of the client that job belongs to. You can find the client type in Client Resource Card > Client Settings > General Settings. Whether billable or not, the functionality of a job is not affected. It only controls how the job revenue is recognized. This may vary according to the posting configuration setup but the most common setup is that billable client jobs have WIP revenue recognized while non-billable and internal jobs do not.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.