System Variable 158: Approving Sales Invoice: Show Warning Message If Any Costs Has Been Added to the Job After the Invoice Date

Use this System Variable to determine if a warning message should be displayed if expenditures were added to a job after the invoice date.

You can select one of the following options for this setting:
  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Show for all invoice types
  • 2 - Show only for final invoices

The default value for this System Variable is 0 - Disabled.

If option 1 - Show for all invoice types or 2 - Show only for final invoices was selected and you approve a Sales Invoice, you will be prompted with the Invoice Approval Check - Expenditures after Invoice Date dialog box. The dialog box lists the expenditures that were added to the job after the Sales Invoice's invoice date. You can choose to cancel the approval or ignore the warning and approve the Sales Invoice.