System Variable 454: Enable Beta-Release Modules (Use with Caution)

Use this System Variable to give users access to versions of WorkBook that are in release states other than Public, which is the status of released versions. Deltek recommends enabling this System Variable when using a lower release state.

When this System Variable is enabled, an additional pane named Usability Mode is displayed in My Settings > Language & Formatting Options . That pane includes the Release Status field, which enables users to choose to access versions of WorkBook whose release statuses are something other than Public (released).

Once you enabled this System Variable and selected a Release Status value other than Public, pages whose release status is not Public are highlighted as such when they are displayed.

Users can also choose to display release statuses for pages and elements by selecting the Show Release States for Pages and Elements check box in the Usability Mode section in My Settings > Language & Formatting Options .

Note: You must restart WorkBook if you change the value of the Release Status field or select/clear the Show Release States for Pages and Elements field in the Usability Mode section.
Note: Versions that have a status other than Public can include incomplete or conceptual features and functionality that can vary in stability. In this case, Deltek does not guarantee the features or functionalities to work correctly. In addition, Deltek does not support the resolution of any issues that are caused by the use of non-Public release-status software. Thus, you should enable System Variable 454 and change the settings on the Usability Mode pane only with caution.
The Release Status field can have any of the following values:
  • Public: The software has been released.
  • Beta: The software is in beta testing.
  • Alpha: The software is in alpha testing.
  • Design: The software is in the design stage.
  • Concept: The software is in the concept stage.

To enable this System Variable, select its checkbox. Clear the checkbox to disable it.

This System Variable is disabled by default.