System Variable 476: Add New Voucher: Automatically Populate Data to the Voucher Comment Field

Use this System Variable to determine the default description on new Creditor Invoice entries.

In the field of this System Variable, you can identify the default description that will be used for new Creditor Invoices. The description may include dynamic fields, which use information from the Creditor Invoice itself. For example, if you input the following values in this setting:
<CreditorName> - #<CreditorInvoiceNumber>
And the creditor, CreditorA, sent invoice number 12341234, the description becomes:
CreditorA - #12341234
You can select any and more than one of the following fields for this setting:
  • <CreditorName>: This field indicates the name of the creditor.
  • <CreditorInvoiceNumber>: This field indicates the number of the invoice sent by the creditor.
  • <CreditorInvoiceDate>: This field indicates the date of the invoice sent by the creditor.
  • <VoucherNumber>: This field indicates the internal voucher number assigned to the invoice sent by the creditor.
  • <CreditorComment>: This field indicates the text from the Description field in the Create New Invoice dialog box.
Note: Manually written descriptions are only included on invoice lines if <CreditorComment> is included in this System Variable.

There is no default value for this setting.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.