System Variable 672: Synchronize Creditors and Suppliers

Use this System Variable to automatically create a supplier when you create a creditor, and vice versa.

In WorkBook, the supplier is the resource and is used for purchase orders. The creditor is the financial entity and is used for creditor invoices. System Variable 672 enables consistency between suppliers and creditors. It is also useful in setups where creditors must be approved before they can be added to the system. Once they are added as creditors, you can add them as suppliers.

Here are the options for System Variable 672:
  • Do Not Synchronize: There is no synchronization but you can have the system automatically create a supplier when you create a creditor, and vice versa.
  • Synchronize Based on Suppliers: When you create a supplier, WorkBook automatically creates a new creditor. Any subsequent changes you make to the supplier information is automatically applied to the corresponding creditor.
  • Synchronize Based on Creditors: When you create a creditor, WorkBook automatically creates a new supplier. Any subsequent changes you make to the creditor information is automatically applied to the corresponding supplier.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.