System Variable 694: Automatically Create Employee as Creditor

Use this System Variable to determine if a creditor account should be automatically created for an employee.

In WorkBook, each employee needs a creditor account to submit personal expenses and mileage entries. This System Variable enables WorkBook to create a creditor account for an employee depending on the selected option.

You can select one of the following options for this setting:
  • No Automation (Creditor Employee Must Be Created Manually): When this option is selected, you must manually map the employee to a creditor in Settings > Employee Settings > Employee Creditor Mappings.
  • When New Employee Creates an Expense Entry: When this option is selected, WorkBook automatically creates the employee's creditor account the first time they submit a personal expense entry.
  • When Employee Is Created (On Employee's Company): When this option is selected, WorkBook automatically creates a creditor account when you create an employee within the employee's own company.
  • When Employee Is Created (On All Companies): When this option is selected, WorkBook automatically creates a creditor account in each active company in the system when you create an employee.

There is no default value for this setting.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.