System Variable 839: Use Standard Invoice Number Sequence for Sub-invoices to a Consolidated Invoice

Use this System Variable to determine if the standard invoice number sequence should be used for the sub-invoices of a Consolidated Invoice.

This System Variable is enabled by default. When it is enabled, the standard invoice number sequence is used for the sub-invoices of a Consolidated Invoice. For example, if the invoice number of your Consolidated Invoice is XX1 and it has three sub-invoices, the sub-invoices would use the invoice numbers, XX2, XX3, and XX4.

If it is not enabled, WorkBook will instead add a suffix to the invoice number of the Consolidated Invoice and use that for its sub-invoices. For example, if the invoice number of your Consolidated Invoice is AB123 and it has three sub-invoices, the sub-invoices would use the invoice number, AB123/1, AB123/2, and AB123/3.