System Variable 866: Enable This if Debtor Reminder E-mails should be Send with the Email Address of the Current User

Use System Variable 866: Enable This if Debtor Reminder Emails should be Send with the Email Address of the Current User to determine if the current user's email address should be used when sending debtor reminders.

In a debtor reminder, the From field is a free text field where any email address may be entered. You can setup debtor reminders in Finance & Administration > Debtors > Debtor Reminders. When this System Variable is enabled, WorkBook uses the current user's email address to send debtor reminders, regardless of the address indicated in the From field.
Note: This System Variable and the manually written email address may be overridden by System Variable 760, which forces the use of the email address indicated in System Variable 289.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.