System Variable 871: Comment Is Required If Entered Hours Are Less Than Basic Time - Accepted Deviation

Use this System Variable if you want employees to enter comments for time entries that are less than the basic time, with the missing hours falling outside of the accepted deviation. This System Variable enables you to specify the accepted deviation.

Example 1:

  • Basic time: 8 hours
  • Accepted deviation: 1 hour, as defined in this System Variable
  • Time entered: 6 hours

Result: WorkBook will require the employee to enter a comment as the time entry is below 8 hours and the missing hours do not fall within the accepted deviation.

Example 2:

  • Basic time: 8 hours
  • Accepted deviation: 1 hour, as defined in this System Variable
  • Time entered: 7.5 hours

Result: WorkBook will not require the employee to enter a comment even if the time entry is below 8 hours as the missing hour falls within the accepted deviation.

This System Variable is blank by default.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.