System Variable 898: Send Invoice by Email: Recipient Email Address Method

Use this System Variable to determine where WorkBook retrieves recipient addresses when generating sales invoice emails from the Debtor Invoices submodule in Finance & Administration.

You can select one of the following options for this setting:
  • 1 - Debtor accounting email address: When this option is selected, WorkBook uses the email address indicated in the Email field on the Debtor Information tab.
  • 2 - Invoice contact email address (fallback to debtor accounting email): When this option is selected, WorkBook uses the email address indicated on the Contact Information tab for the attention person selected on the invoice.
  • 3 - Job contact email address (fallback to debtor accounting email): When this option is selected, WorkBook uses the email address on the Contact Information tab for the person indicated in the Client Contact field in the Job Properties Sidebar.
  • 4 - Debtor invoicing email address (fallback to debtor accounting email): When this option is selected, WorkBook uses the email address indicated in the Email Invoicing field on the Debtor Information tab.

The default value for this System Variable is 1 - Debtor accounting email address.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.