System Variable 899: Subscription Sender: Set Project Manager on Job and Invoice Responsible Method When Creating a Subscription Invoice

Use this System Variable to determine the lookup priority of Invoice Responsible that should be used for new subscription Sales Invoices.

You can select one of the following options for this setting:
  • 1 - Invoice creator, user who makes the invoice
  • 2 - 1. Subscription responsible, 2. Customer responsible, 3. Invoice creator
  • 3 - 1. Subscription responsible, 2. Invoice creator
  • 4 - 1. Customer responsible, 2. Subscription responsible, 3. Invoice creator
  • 5 - 1. Customer responsible, 2. Invoice creator

The default value for this System Variable is 1 - Invoice creator, user who makes the invoice.

You can identify the users who are responsible for subscriptions and customers in the following screens or sub-modules:
  • Subscription Responsible: Finance & Administration > Debtors > Subscriptions > Agreement tab > Specification tab
  • Customer Responsible: Resources > Resource Information > Company Settings > Information