System Variable 933: Create New Ticket: Assigned to Mandatory Option & Validation

Use this System Variable to specify the default value of the Assigned to field for tickets.

Select any of the following options:

  • 1 – Allow blank, no validation: This option allows the Assigned to field to be left blank.
  • 2 – If blank (not set) then set current user as "assigned to": This option uses the employee who creates the ticket as the value of the Assigned to field if no value is specified when the ticket is created.
  • 3 – Assigned to is mandatory: This option requires that a value must be entered for the Assigned to field when the ticket is created; otherwise, the ticket cannot be created.
  • 4 – If blank (not set) then set job project manager: This option uses the Project Manager of the job where the ticket is created as the default value of the Assigned to field.
  • 5 – If blank (not set) then set job 1) production manager, 2) project manager: This option uses the Production Manager of the job where the ticket is created as the default value of the Assigned to field. If there is no Production Manager specified on the job, it uses the Project Manager.

The default value for this System Variable is 1 – Allow blank, no validation.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.