System Variable 970: Allow to Edit Expense Entry Voucher Lines on Vouchers With Status 40

Use this System Variable to determine if the editing of expense entry voucher lines should be allowed after the voucher has been approved.

This System Variable is disabled by default. When it is enabled, finance users can edit the expense entry voucher lines of approved vouchers in the Voucher Line Details sub-grid in Finance & Administration > Creditors > Creditor Invoices. This setting allows finance users to review and correct VAT/Tax details in approved expense entries that are usually entered by non-finance users who may not be aware of existing VAT/Tax rules.
Note: The total expense entry amount cannot be edited. If there are errors in this amount, Reject Voucher can be used in order to remove the expense entry from the Creditor Invoice and return it as an open expense entry.

An expense entry is converted to a Creditor Invoice and will appear in Finance & Administration > Creditors > Creditor Invoices when it is approved. If System Variable 578 is enabled, the Creditor Invoice is created in Status 50 - For Booking but if it is not enabled, the Creditor Invoice is created in Status 40 - Approved and must be manually changed to Status 50 - For Booking when it is ready.

System Variable 970 can be used only in Creditor Invoices that are in Status 40 - Approved, which are converted from approved personal expense entries. If the Creditor Invoice is created in Status 50 - For Booking, the Creditor Invoice must first be changed to Status 40 - Approved before the VAT amount can be adjusted.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying System Variable values.