Edit a ConceptShare Review

Use the Reviews menu on the Task Card to view and modify the details of a Review, such as the Review name, Assets, participants, and due date. You can also add a Review to a Review chain.

  • In WorkBook, you must be a System Administrator, an Advanced User, or a Basic User with access to new pages.

  • In ConceptShare, you must have an account with an Account Role that has the permission Configure Integrations with Third-Party Applications enabled (set to Yes).

To edit the details of a ConceptShare Review:

  1. Navigate to the task that is linked to the Review whose details you want to edit.
  2. Click Task Settings to open the Task Card, and then click Reviews - ConceptShare .
  3. On the screen, select a Review.
  4. In the grid, highlight a Review, and then click Edit Current Review on the grid toolbar.
  5. In the Review Builder, make the necessary changes, and click:
    • Save and Close to save your changes and close the Review Builder.
    • Save to save your changes while keeping the Review Builder open so you can perform other actions such as adding a Review to a chain or adding participants.
    Note: Saving changes to a Review triggers an email notification to reviewers who have that option enabled. For more information, see What Email Notifications Does ConceptShare Generate? (This link opens in the ConceptShare Online Help.)