Log Out of a ConceptShare Account or Accounts

Log out of a single or multiple ConceptShare accounts.

  • In WorkBook, you must be a System Administrator, an Advanced User, or a Basic User with access to new pages.

  • In ConceptShare, you must have an account with an Account Role that has the permission Configure Integrations with Third-Party Applications enabled (set to Yes).

To log out of a ConceptShare account or accounts:

  1. Navigate to the task that is linked to the ConceptShare account that you want to log out of.
  2. Click Task Settings to open the Task Card, and then click Reviews - ConceptShare .
  3. On the upper right corner of the screen, click Log Out .
  4. In the confirmation dialog:
    • To log out of the current company, click Logout of...Company.
    • To log out of all companies, click Logout of All.
    Note: For version 12.1 or later, you will stay logged in to ConceptShare even if you log out of WorkBook.

    For version 12.0 or older, you will be logged out of ConceptShare when you log out of WorkBook.