Version an Asset

Use the Reviews menu on the Task Card to version Assets.

  • In WorkBook, you must be a System Administrator, an Advanced User, or a Basic User with access to new pages.

  • In ConceptShare, you must have an account with an Account Role that has the permission Configure Integrations with Third-Party Applications enabled (set to Yes).

To version an Asset:

  1. Navigate to the task that is linked to the Review whose Asset you want to version.
  2. Click Task Settings to open the Task Card, and then click Reviews - ConceptShare .
  3. In the grid, highlight the Review whose Asset you want to version, and click Edit Current Review on the grid toolbar.
  4. In the Assets to Review section of the Review Builder, do any of the following:
    • To version with an Asset from a folder in your machine, drag and drop the new Asset and drop it over the previous Asset version.
    • To version with an Asset from your machine, browse the file from your machine.
    • To version with an Asset from a web page, click Add Web Content Capture , enter the image URL and click OK.
    Note: If you version the incorrect Asset, and you have not yet clicked OK, you can revert the change by clicking Revert .
  5. To version with a watermarked Asset, in the New Asset Details section, select the Apply Watermark checkbox, and either use the pre-configured text or enter new text.
    Note: If watermark is not applied when versioning an Asset, there is no correction available. Either delete the full Asset stack with feedback, or version the Asset again; the previous version will not be watermarked when viewed.
  6. Click Save and Close.