Time Sheet

Use Time Sheet under Finance & Administration to view, manage, and approve the time entries of employees for whom you are responsible.

To use the Time Sheet submodule, you must have access to Finance & Administration as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

If you are a manager, time sheet approver, or a finance user, you can view, modify, or approve other employees' time sheets from the Time Sheet submodule.

  • To view only the time sheet entries that you entered, go to Time & Expense > Time Sheet.
  • To manage only the entries that require your approval, go to Tasks > Approval > Time Entry Approval.
  • To manage only the absence entries that require your approval, go to Tasks > Approval > Absence Entry Approval.

To allow specific users access, you may need to create a new access role whose main purpose is to access employees' time sheets. To set up access rights, see User Access Rights. Once you have created the new access role, you need to assign it to the managers who need to have access to their employees' time sheets.

It is important to limit user access to only the necessary functions in Finance & Administration. Otherwise, the users you assign the new access role to may be able to access all employees' time sheet data instead of just the employees for whom they are responsible.

You set up access rights in My Settings > Language & Formatting Options > Access Right Settings. You must select the No Access check box for the access role that you created for all the menus under Cost Entry except for Time Sheet.

System Variable 77

When System Variable 77 is enabled, managers will be able to see only the users for whom they are responsible in the absence drop-down menu. When the variable is disabled, only the users with access to finance will be able to create absence entries for other employees.