Weekly Schedule

Use the Weekly Schedule submodule to view the weekly schedule of a selected resource or resource group.

To use the Weekly Schedule submodule, you must have access to Scheduling as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

The Weekly Schedule submodule has the main grid, which displays resource's task allocations in a day, week, or month view, and the subgrid, which displays the details of a specific booking that you select in the main grid. The subgrid allows you to create tasks, assign existing tasks to resources, and manage the resource allocation for each task.


  • Use the date filter to view tasks and resources for specific periods.
  • Use the resource filter options to view tasks and resources for specific skills, companies, teams, departments, positions, and employees.
  • Use the task filters to view the scope through tags, clients, job status, ticket status, and task responsible.
  • Use the job dimension filters to view scope through job project managers and account managers.

Capacity and Progress Overviews

  • Instant employee time usage overview: Get instant capacity overview for each employee. The date fields in green indicate the used daily capacity for each employee.
  • Instant task progress overview: The progress overview of any task that you select from the main grid will be displayed in the subgrid. Options to add, modify, or delete tasks are also available from the subgrid.