Reassigning Tasks

You can reassign an assignment/task from one resource to another resource within a specific period using the Reassign shortcut menu option in the Web Components.

Right-click on any assignment to display the shortcut menu. When you click Reassign on either shortcut menu, a dialog box appears so that you can reassign the task to another resource. The title bar of the dialog box displays the name of the task and the name of the resource to whom it is currently assigned. If today’s date is inside the task duration, the From date defaults to today. Otherwise, the From date defaults to the task start date. The To date always defaults to the task end date.

Two tabs can appear in this dialog box: Resource and Categories.

  • If you are reassigning a task to another resource:
    • The Resources tab is always visible.
    • The Categories tab is hidden if the assignment contains any bookings—that is, man-hour entries—because those cannot be moved to a resource category.
  • If you are reassigning a task to a resource category:
    • The Categories tab is always visible.
    • The Resources tab is hidden if the resource category assignment has any subassignments, because resource assignments cannot have subassignments.

You can edit the From and To dates of the task in this dialog box. The following example shows how useful this can be:

  • A resource has been assigned on a task that runs for the entire year 2018.
  • Planning has been done on this resource--for example, 40 hours in every week.
  • Then something occurs that makes it necessary for that resource to work on something else, or to be absent, during the month of July.
  • If the task that is assigned to this resource cannot be left with no one working on it during July, you must reassign it to another resource during July.

When you have selected the resource to whom you want to reassign the task, and you click Reassign, the following occur:

  • If there is no overlap in the selected date range and task duration, the following message is displayed:

    The “[name of project]” ([start date]…[end date]) is outside the specified date interval.

  • If the From date is after the To date, the following message is displayed:

    The From date must be before the To date.

  • If neither of those errors occurs, all bookings (man-hour entries) for the selected task are moved to the resource whom you selected for the specified period. Only the planned hours are moved with the reassignment. Values on other accounts—where bookings, time registrations, amount bookings, and so on go--are not moved as a result of this reassignment.