Print an Expense Report
You can print an expense report at any time.
To print an expense report, complete the following steps
- Open the expense report that you want to print.
Expense Report Options and select Print Report.
From the Report dialog box, select one of the following:
- Detailed Expense Report to print a Detailed Expense report. This includes the expense report name and date plus the date, category, description, amount, project number, phase number, task number, billing status, and account number for each expense item included on the report). It also includes any expense detail information entered on a Detail form.
- Summarized Expense Report to print a Summarized Expense report. This includes the expense report name and date plus the date, category, description, amount, project number, phase number, task number, billing status, and account number for each expense item included on the report. Expense details are not included on the report.
View Report.
The report generates and displays as a PDF file. Use your default PDF viewer to save the report locally or print as needed.
Note: If receipts are attached to the expense report, select the Include Attached Receipts option on the Report dialog boxes to print attached receipts. See the "Include Attached Receipts when Printing an Expense Report" online help topic for more information.
- Print an Expense Report Automatically
You can have your expense report print automatically when you submit it.
Parent Topic: Procedures