Add a Supplier, Competitor, Connection, Technical Resource, or Related Resource

Depending on your role in WorkBook, you can add suppliers, competitors, connections, technical resources, and related resources in Resources. For example, if your organization has been losing opportunities to a particular competitor, you may want to enter that competitor in WorkBook to track your losses.

Note: You must have permission to add, delete, and modify resources to complete this task.

To add a supplier, competitor, connection, or related resource:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Resources .
  2. On the grid toolbar, click the grid options menu , then click Create New Resource > Supplier.
  3. In the Add New Resource dialog box, select resource type and enter the resource name.
    WorkBook automatically enters the resource's initials.
  4. To skip a duplicate check, select Ignore Duplicate Check.
    Selecting this option may result in multiple resources having the same name.
  5. Click OK.