Edit Company Mobile App Variable

Use the Company Variables submodule to edit the Mobile app company variable. This variable gives a company the capability to restrict their employees from logging in to the WorkBook mobile app to access company data as well as the data of the other companies that the employee has access to.

To use the Company Variables submodule, you must have access to Settings as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

To edit the Mobile app company variable:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Settings .
  2. If you have more than one company in your system, use the drop-down list above the left pane of the Settings screen to select the company for which you want to edit the Mobile app company variable.
  3. In the left pane of the Settings screen, click Company Settings > Company Variables.
  4. In the middle pane, click the Mobile app variable category.
  5. In the right pane, use the Restriction on use of mobile app variable drop-down list to select any of the following options:
    • 0 - No restriction: This option is the default value of the variable. Use this to allow users to fully access the system using the WorkBook mobile app.
    • 1 - No access for company users via mobile app: Use this option to restrict users from accessing the system using the WorkBook mobile app.
    Note: This variable only affects users who are employees of the company implementing the restriction. If the user has a different company listed in their resource card, the user will still be able to log in to the WorkBook mobile app and access their company's data and even the data of the company who has implemented the restriction.