Import System and Company Variable Settings

Use Settings Export/Import to import the company settings and variable configuration into another system. The import process overwrites the current settings of the receiving system.

To use the Settings Export/Import submodule, you must have access to Settings as defined in the Employee cross-company access submodule under Settings.

You must have the export key of the file that you want to import copied to clipboard. For instructions, see Copy an Export Key.

To import system and company variable settings:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Settings .
  2. In the left pane of the Settings screen, click Advanced Tools > Settings Export/Import.
  3. Click the Settings Import tab.
  4. On the grid toolbar, click Import Settings .
  5. In the Import Settings dialog box, paste the export key and click Begin Import Process .
    Alternatively, you can press ENTER.
    WorkBook locates the file referenced by the export key and displays a summary of the information for you to validate. For a list of validation messages, see Validation Messages.
  6. Click Preview.
    WorkBook displays the Import Settings screen, which contains a list of the settings to be imported. It also includes the current value of each setting, and the new value to which it will be changed. For a list of columns and descriptions, see Import Settings Screen Columns.
  7. Under the Include column, you can clear the check box of the setting that you do not want to import.
    Note: By default, the check box that corresponds to the setting to be imported is selected. For a list of available actions, see Import Settings Screen Toolbar.
  8. Once you have verified that the information is correct, click Confirm.
    WorkBook displays the import settings summary and an indicator that the settings are ready for import.
  9. Click Import.
    WorkBook displays an import progress bar. Once the process finishes, WorkBook displays a summary of the items that were imported.
  10. Click Close.