Update End Date for All Selected Jobs

Use Update End Date for All Selected Jobs to update the end date for a selected job. Perform this action if there is a change in the duration of a job, or if you have a task within a job whose end date is later than the job's end date.

To use the Jobs with Expired End Date submodule, you must have access to Finance & Administration as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

To update the end date for all selected jobs:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Finance & Administration .
  2. Use the drop-down list above the left pane of the Finance & Administration screen to select the company whose information you want to update.
  3. In the Finance & Administrator left side panel, click Administrative Follow-up > Jobs with expired end date.
  4. Select a record and click Update end date for all selected jobs .
    To select multiple records, click the LEFT mouse button then hold and drag.
  5. In the Update end date dialog box, select the new date and click OK.
    WorkBook displays a confirmation message.