Vouchers On Hold

Use Vouchers On Hold under Finance & Administration to view and manage vouchers on hold.

To use the Vouchers On Hold submodule, you must have access to Finance & Administration as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

The Vouchers On Hold submodule displays a list of vouchers with the approval status On Hold. You can use the information in the grid to keep track of all on hold vouchers within your WorkBook company.

A voucher can be put on hold if, for example, there is a pending delivery of goods associated with it, or there is missing or incomplete information that prevents the voucher from being finalized or invoiced.

The Vouchers On Hold submodule has one main grid and a subgrid. The main grid has columns for voucher information such as approval status, voucher number, creditor, invoice number, invoice date, and total amount.

The main grid allows you to perform the following actions:
  • Create a new invoice
  • Delete an invoice
  • Upload a voucher File
  • Approve a voucher
  • Park a voucher
  • Park a voucher for booking
  • Cancel voucher parking
  • Put a voucher payment on hold
  • Allow payment for a voucher
  • Add a voucher approver manually
  • Change a voucher's status
  • Copy a voucher
  • Reverse a voucher
  • Reject a voucher
  • Force approve a voucher
More detailed information for a specific voucher is displayed in the subgrid. It has side menus and options that allow you to review and make modifications to the voucher that you selected in the main grid. The side menus include:
  • Voucher Line Details
  • Posting Details
  • Log
  • Approvers, which allows you to view voucher approver details as well as the track changes made to the approval workflow via the following columns: Added By, Date Added, and Added by Approval Workflow, in the case of voucher approver addition; and Removed By, and Date Removed, in the case of voucher approver removal.
  • Invoice Conversation
  • Preview Creditor Invoice File

For more comprehensive information about vouchers, see Creditor Invoices.

As with most WorkBook submodules and grids, you can always use the Search field to find specific vouchers.