Vendor Balances Dialog Box

Use the Vendor Balances dialog box to review the amounts that are paid to vendors and ensure that they are correct.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Accounting > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing.  
  2. On the Select Posting Run dialog box, select an existing posting run or create a new one.
  3. On the A/P Payment Processing form, click the Vendor Review tab.
  4. Select one or more vendors.
  5. Click Vendor Balances.


Field Description
Vendor This field displays the vendor number, from the vendor's Info Center record.
Name This field displays the vendor name, from the vendor's Info Center record.
Currency Code If you use Multicurrency, this field displays the payment currency for the vendor's vouchers that are payable at this bank.
Balance This field displays the amount that is unpaid and due to the vendor.

If you use Multicurrency, this amount is expressed in the payment currency for the vendor's vouchers that are payable at this bank.

Payment The amount, if any, that was paid previously on this voucher. This amount matches the amount in the Payment field on the Vendor Review tab. If you make a partial payment on a voucher, Vision re-calculates the Payment, both here and on the Vendor Review tab, to reflect the partial payment amount.

If you use Multicurrency, this amount is expressed in the payment currency for the vendor's vouchers that are payable at this bank.

Include Vendors Select an option to display only these vendors:
  • Balance — Vision displays only those vendors in this processing run who have unpaid balances due to them.
  • Payment — Vision displays only those vendors in this processing run who are being paid.
Select To return to the Vendor Review tab with voucher balances for a vendor, click the vendor row and click the Select button.
Close Click this button to close the dialog box.