Review Vendor Balances and Payments

At any time during accounts payable processing, you can display a summary of vendor payments in the current processing run. Review the vendor balances to verify that the correct amount is being paid to each vendor.

To review vendor balances, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Accounting > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing.
  2. On the Select Posting Run dialog box, select the posting run and click Open.
  3. On the Vendor Review tab of the A/P Payment Processing form, select one or more vendors and click Vendor Balances.
  4. On the Vendor Balances dialog box, select one of the following options in the Include Vendors field:
    Option Description
    Balance This displays only those vendors with amounts due to them.
    Payment This displays only those vendors to whom payments are being made in this processing run.
  5. On the Vendor Balances dialog box, click the Vendor column label to sort by vendor number or click the Name column label to sort by vendor name.
  6. Select one of the following actions:
    • To return to the Vendor Review tab with voucher balances for a vendor, click the vendor row, then click the Select button.
    • To return to the Vendor Review tab without selecting balances, click the Close button.