Submit a Timesheet

After you enter a timesheet's data, you can submit the timesheet for approval and processing.

Prerequisites: Your timesheet processing capabilities depend on how your system administrator defines settings in Vision. You may be allowed to submit a timesheet one time or you may be allowed to edit a timesheet that you already submitted, and then resubmit it. Refer to the options listed in Checklist: Configuring Vision for Navigator Timesheets before you complete this procedure. Contact your system administrator if you have questions.

To submit a timesheet, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the My Timesheets Panel and select a timesheet.
  2. Review the timesheet for accuracy, make changes if necessary, and then click Save.
  3. Click the Submit button. Depending on the processing options selected by your system administrator, one or more of the following may occur. Follow the prompts provided by Navigator:
    • If electronic signatures are required in Vision, Navigator displays the Confirm Electronic Signature dialog box. Enter your Password and click OK.
    • If your system administrator does not allow users to resubmit existing timesheets, Navigator asks you to confirm the submit.
    • If Navigator is required to check hours entered against hours expected, you receive a warning or error if a discrepancy is found. If you receive a warning, you can click Yes to continue, but if you receive an error, you must revise your timesheet before you can continue. Contact your system administrator if you receive another error the next time that you submit.
    • If the Require comments for Hours option is set to Yes on the Time & Expense tab in Vision > Info Center > Project, you must enter comments for labor charges before you can save or submit your timesheet.
    • If you revise a timesheet for a date prior to today, and revision explanations are required, the Revision Explanation dialog displays after you save or submit your timesheet. See the Explain a Timesheet Revision online help topic for more information.
  4. Click OK to save your changes.